Volumes: 15
Numbers: 39
Articles number: 294
Articles view: 484,756
Articles download: 677,416
Submission count: 1,012
Reject count: 516
RejectRate: %51
Accept Count: 278
Accept Rate: %27
Accept Date: 233
Indexing and Abstracting numbers: 9
Journal of Studies on Arabic Language and Literature
Journal of Studies on Arabic Language and Literature is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal which is continuously published by the Semnan University of Iran in cooperation with the Tishrin University of Syria since 2010. The journal publishes original research papers on Linguistic research, teaching language, linguistic skills, stylistics, semiotics, literary research, literary criticism, and Comparative literature, Translation studies between the Arabic and Persian languages. This journal publishes original research articles, reviews, and comments/replies.
There are no charge for any reader to download articles.
Accepted articles are assigned a DOI identifier code.
Submitting the Conflict of Interest, and Commitment Form is mandatory when submitting the manuscript.
Studies on Arabic Language and Literature is an open access peer review and Semiannual journal.
Pages 1-35
Pages 36-72
Pages 73-104
Pages 105-131
Pages 132-169
Pages 170-205
Pages 206-233
Pages 234-267
Pages 268-301
Volume 2, Issue 7, December 2011, Pages 103-130
Volume 5, Issue 20, March 2015, Pages 51-70
Volume 1, Issue 4, February 2011, Pages 1-22
Volume 1, Issue 2, September 2010, Pages 19-48
Volume 4, Issue 16, March 2014, Pages 105-126
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 06 February 2024
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 25 January 2025
Semnan University
Dr Ali Zeighami
Dr. Sayed Reza Mirahmadi
Editorial Board:
Dr Hamed Sedghi
Dr. Shaker Amery
Dr. Sadegh Askari
Dr. Ali Asghar qahremani Moqbel
Dr Ali Ganjiyan Khanari
Dr. Sayed Reza Mirahmadi
Dr. Faramarz Mirzaei
International Editorial Board:
Dr. Lutfiyah Ibrahim Barham
Dr. Mohmad Ismaeil Basal
Dr Ibrahim Mohamad Al-bab
Dr. Abdolkarim Yaqub
International Advisory Board:
Dr. Dalal Hasan Abbas
Dr.Husam Qaddoori Abed
Dr. Reza Amer
Dr. Muhammad Abdul Kazem Al-Khafaji
Dr. Muhajir Abdul Rahman
Dr Aliakbar Noresideh
Language Editor:
Dr. Shaker Amery
Frequency: Semiannual
Print ISSN: 2008-9023
Online ISSN: 2538-3280