Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 PhD student in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.



In the early twentieth century, linguistics was associated with literary studies to be a link between the writer and the ideas he pours into his text. Statistical stylistics is one of these directions, which is concerned with detailed analyzes of the literary text using statistics and mathematical equations. A semantic field is a group of words that have a common linguistic relationship between them and are placed under a general term that includes all those secondary terms. Its importance stems from the fact that it searches for the relationship between the vocabulary of the same field, and looks at the meanings of words and their connection in order to study the system of perceptions, customs, traditions, and social relations for their material and spiritual guidance.

Based on the above, the researcher selected two of the great poets of the contemporary vertical poem in the Arab world, namely Ahmed Bakhit from Egypt, and Aref Al-Saedi from Iraq. And it chose 55 verses from the last poems of each of them. It studied it in the light of the Yule scale in statistical stylistics to reach verbal wealth and how to distribute the frequency of vocabulary. Then he applied the statistical results to the theory of semantic fields and extracted the fields and semantics for each of the two samples, to know how to distribute the frequency of their words and link them to external factors.

The study concluded that the percentage of verbal wealth in Ahmed Bakhit's poetry is more than that of Aref Al-Saedi's poetry. Each of them used the types of semantic fields and repeated them according to his thinking and opinion. Bakhit tries to recall the glories of the Arabs and their civilization before and after Islam and evades the shameful present, which he called hell. The repetition of the words of the fields of place, personalities, despair and numbers in his poetry. However, Al-Saadi sought to present a picture of the reality of Iraq and the suffering and hopes of its people. The expressions of the fields of the Iraqi environment, the general Iraqi personality, and the body parts that indicate the delivery of the message abounded in his poetry.


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