This article inbestigates some of the phonological processes which are mentioned by SÄ«bawayh . Phonological Processes include two types: Phonetic and stylistic . The former type is of primary importance and includes:
Pause: This arhcle provides the basic principles and rules for this prosess according to SÄ«bawayh whether a pause is accompanied by letter addition or not and whether it is accompanied by a long vowel or by a colsonant .
EmÄleh, which is a kind of assimilation and of two types according to SÄ«bawayh , one regular and frequent and another irregular and in frequent . The article , then , turns to different positions for EmÄleh and its behavior in relation to "defective" letters on the one hand and in relation to "r" sound on the other . Assimialtion and dissimilation : These are phonological processes which follow their own particular rules . SÄ«bawayh did not use a particular label for either of these two but used the inclusive term ibdÄl (commutation) for both processes . He explained partial and total assimilations . and divided them in to progressive and retrogressive types . He also elaborated on dissimilation and explained how it differs from assimilation . He believed that dissimilar letters were more frequent than Similar Ones. The article concludes with a summary of the discussed issues .
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