Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran

2 Professor, Tarbat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, College of Humanities, Tarbat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

4 Tarbiat Modares University



The deconstruction trend, which began independently with the ideas of Jacques Derrida, revolves around the urgency of rebuilding the text after a devastating demolition. Derrida's style in his literary criticism is based on deconstructing the text on the basis of destroying the certainty of meaning and the centrality of fixed semantics rather than being aimed at rebuilding the text. However, with the entry of this movement into the Arab world and its resurgence in the bosom of Abdullah Al-Ghadami's works, this trend found new life and was based on rebuilding the text as the most important artistic function of literary criticism. Within the aforementioned, poetic suggestion and inspiration can be considered the main catalyst for the realization of this propaganda. In this research, depending on the descriptive-analytical approach, the role of suggestion in enriching the deconstructive approach was studied under the shadow of Abdullah Al-Ghadami's actions in the book AI-Kateia and Takfir. In this research, by examining and analyzing this factor; The results indicate that this element provides remarkable developments in this approach, including: coherence of interpretation and writing, delving into the problematic, destroying the text and reconstructing it as a literary text, the poeticity of the reader, Change the speech style.


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