

  The poem "Balqis" bears the responsibility of the technical expression and inspirational motivation with the poet's synthetic view of the disorder of the on-going reality, its fragmentation and its sharp contradictions which dig deeply in the poem and has its specialty and distinction governing the methodology of criticism of each piece of literature. This study on the poem "Balqis" from NizarQabbani tries to throw light on the stylistic features and the architecture of the poem and trace the literary and linguistic elements which are obviously recurrent in the poem. It then deals with various constructions and inspirational elements at different stylistic levels. The study tries to answer such questions as Did the poet NizarQabbani achieve his aim to express what is in his inner world by writing his poem in stanza? Was he able to break the monotony of the solo sound? Is the picture which the poet offers about his actual life different from the picture of our current reality?  


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