Volume 14 (2023)
Issue 38
Volume 14, Issue 38, Fall 2023 and Winter 2024
Issue 37
Volume 14, Issue 37,Spring and Summer 2023.
Volume 13 (2022)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 8 (2017)
Volume 7 (2016)
Volume 6 (2015)
Volume 5 (2014)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2011)
Volume 1 (2010)

Volumes: 14 

Numbers: 37

Articles number: 280

Articles view: 413,191

Articles download: 616,837

Submission count: 972

Reject count: 497

RejectRate:  %51

Accept Count: 267

Accept Rate:  %27

Accept Date: 234

Indexing and Abstracting numbers: 7


Journal of Studies on Arabic Language and Literature

Journal of Studies on Arabic Language and Literature is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal which is continuously published by the Semnan University of Iran in cooperation with the Tishrin University of Syria since 2010.  The journal publishes original research papers on Linguistic research, teaching language, linguistic skills, stylistics, semiotics, literary research, literary criticism, and Comparative literature, Translation studies between the Arabic and Persian languages. This journal publishes original research articles, reviews, and comments/replies.

Article Acceptance Type: Research and promotion Rank in the Ministry of Science: Scientific (B) with index of ISC
Publication fees(article processing charges or APCs):  How to issue an article acceptance certificate: Print
5.000.000 Rial  
Paper Plagiarism Checked: Samim Noor Peer review process: Double Blind
The minimum time required to Final Decision: 4 Months How to contact the journal office: Through the "Contact Us" section


There are no charge for any reader to download articles.

Accepted articles are assigned a DOI identifier code.

Submitting the Conflict of Interest, and Commitment Form is mandatory when submitting the manuscript.

Studies on Arabic Language and Literature is an open access peer review and Semiannual journal.


Elements of rhythm and their connotations in the complete poetry collection of the poet Sayyed Haider Al-Hilli (The elegies of the Ahlol bayt, as an example)
Elements of rhythm and their connotations in the complete poetry collection of the poet Sayyed Haider Al-Hilli (The elegies of the Ahlol bayt, as an example)

Somayeh Hasan Alian; Amin Nazari Terizi; Hossein Nemah Alrekabi

Volume 14, Issue 38 , February 2024, Pages 1-30


  The impact of the incident of al-Taff, the martyrdom of Imam al-Hussein, peace be upon him, and his companions, and what happened to the Ahl Albait, from persecution, killing, and desecration, ...  Read More
“Seven double numbers
“Seven double numbers", based on “the rhetorical theory of expression”

Mohammad Khaqani Isfahani

Volume 14, Issue 38 , February 2024, Pages 31-62


  The phrase: “Seven double numbers" is used only once in the Holy Quran, but due to its emphasis, it requires that we consider it as one of the key words of the Holy Quran, which ...  Read More
Strategies for translating the Ihtebak in the Qur’an (Makarem Al-Shirazi’s translation of Surat Al-Imran into Persian as a model)
Strategies for translating the Ihtebak in the Qur’an (Makarem Al-Shirazi’s translation of Surat Al-Imran into Persian as a model)

Maryam Khani; Habib Keshavarz; sayyed reza Mirahmadi

Volume 14, Issue 38 , February 2024, Pages 63-90


  Translation of Alihtebak in the Noble Qur’an (Makarim Al-Shirazi’s translation of Surat Al-Imran into Persian as an example). To translate the Holy Qur'an, its paramount ...  Read More
A Semiotic Study of Bushra al-Bustani’s Poem Iraqi Music Based on the Theory of Michael Riffaterre
A Semiotic Study of Bushra al-Bustani’s Poem Iraqi Music Based on the Theory of Michael Riffaterre

Atefeh Rahamani; Mohamad reza Eslami; Hamid Valizadeh

Volume 14, Issue 38 , February 2024, Pages 91-118


     Semiotics is regarded as an effective method of criticism that influences one’s cognition of the text and conscious triumph over textual signs. As a new critical ...  Read More
Stylistic appearances in the poetry of Ibn Marj Al-Kohl Al-Andalusi, a study on the phonetic level
Stylistic appearances in the poetry of Ibn Marj Al-Kohl Al-Andalusi, a study on the phonetic level

Hassan Sarbaz; Sazgar Ismail Abdullah

Volume 14, Issue 38 , February 2024, Pages 119-146


  The phonetic level, which is represented in the phonetic structure and the internal and external rhythmic structure, is considered one of the most important levels in stylistic and ...  Read More
Phonetic alternation in the Quranic comma, combining rhythm and semantics
Phonetic alternation in the Quranic comma, combining rhythm and semantics

Ali Salarpour; Sayed Reza Solimanzade nagafi

Volume 14, Issue 38 , February 2024, Pages 147-166


  The comma is one of the branches of Qur'anic song in visualizing the meaning and influencing the mind of the receiver. In order to achieve its goals, the Qur'an has paid attention to ...  Read More
Teaching Iraqi Dialect for Medical-Tourism in Iran
(Proposing a Task-Based Method)
Teaching Iraqi Dialect for Medical-Tourism in Iran (Proposing a Task-Based Method)

SeyedEsmaeil GhasemiMusavi

Volume 14, Issue 38 , February 2024, Pages 167-188


  Tourism is an important area for local and international organizations and it can help to reach prosperity and development. One of the most important areas of tourism is medical and ...  Read More
Symbol in the Literature of Mahmoud Shakir for children
Symbol in the Literature of Mahmoud Shakir for children

Ezzat Mollaebrahimi; Zahra Fazeli

Volume 14, Issue 38 , February 2024, Pages 189-210


  Mahmoud Shukair is considered one of the most prominent writers affiliated with realism, especially when the local conditions in Palestinian society matured, which led to the dominance ...  Read More
Functional analysis of main personalities in two novels Altanki and The Casual Vacancy
Functional analysis of main personalities in two novels Altanki and The Casual Vacancy

Ali Aldelfi; Hadi Nazari Monazam; Faramarz Mirzaei; Abdul-Nabi Isstaif

Volume 14, Issue 38 , February 2024, Pages 211-242


  This study aims to reveal the function of the main fictional character according to the method of Vladimir Prov, and to analyze her fictional role in the two novels (The Tanki) by Alia ...  Read More
Reception in the novel Ijam by Sinan Anton
Reception in the novel Ijam by Sinan Anton

Naeem Amouri; Javad SadounZadeh; Zainab SawaediMourZadeh

Volume 14, Issue 38 , February 2024, Pages 243-272


  The Iraqi novel traveled an evolutionary path full of many achievements, which was associated with the transformations of the Iraqi society at different political, cultural, social ...  Read More
Echo of the Quranic Statement, Grammar & Rhetoric of Abdul Qaher Jarjani
Al Baqara Chapter as an Example
Echo of the Quranic Statement, Grammar & Rhetoric of Abdul Qaher Jarjani Al Baqara Chapter as an Example

SawsanAhmad Nabresi; Mohammad Al_Rabaa

Volume 14, Issue 38 , February 2024, Pages 273-300


  When addressing the Quranic studies, huge tradition & illustrations are produced, among which, Abdul Qaher Jarjani’s work was profound. He paid great attention to the Quran ...  Read More
Critical Foundation in the Book
Critical Foundation in the Book "Contemporary Arabic Poetry: Its Issues and Technical Aspects", By Dr. "Izzuldin Ismaiel"

Farouk Maghrebi

Volume 2, Issue 7 , December 2011, , Pages 103-130


  Studying the critical thinking of critics, though plentiful, is not enoughyeto Such study offers the reader the course followed by the critic and his starting points of literary vision. ...  Read More
The Stylistic Features of the Poem
The Stylistic Features of the Poem

Theab Rashed; Jumana Daoud

Volume 5, Issue 20 , March 2015, , Pages 51-70


    The poem "Balqis" bears the responsibility of the technical expression and inspirational motivation with the poet's synthetic view of the disorder of the on-going reality, ...  Read More
Symbols of Resistance in Abulghasem al-Shabi’s Poems
Symbols of Resistance in Abulghasem al-Shabi’s Poems

Roqayeh Rostampur Maleki; Amir Farhang Nia

Volume 1, Issue 4 , February 2011, , Pages 1-22


  Resistance poetry is one of the cornerstones of contemporary Arabic literature and is one of the vastest realms of poetry poets have concerned themselves with. The poet of resistance ...  Read More
Phonological Processes according to SÄ«bawayh
Phonological Processes according to SÄ«bawayh

Ibrahim Mohammad al-Bāb

Volume 1, Issue 2 , September 2010, , Pages 19-48


  This article inbestigates some of the phonological processes which are mentioned by SÄ«bawayh . Phonological Processes include two types: Phonetic and stylistic . The former ...  Read More
the formation of language and construction method in poetry of Jammah
the formation of language and construction method in poetry of Jammah

Mohammad Mahjoob Mohammad

Volume 4, Issue 16 , March 2014, , Pages 105-126


  This research examines the background of the linguistic expression and the constructions in the poetry of Jammah. It concludes that studying the poetic renewal movements has led him ...  Read More
A study of the contemporary vertical poem in the light of statistical stylistics and semantic fields
(Application to samples of the poetry of Ahmed Bakhit and Aref Al-Saedi)
A study of the contemporary vertical poem in the light of statistical stylistics and semantic fields (Application to samples of the poetry of Ahmed Bakhit and Aref Al-Saedi)

Ali Haidari; Isa Motaghizadeh; Kobra Roshan Fekr; Faramarz Mirzaei

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 06 February 2024


  In the early twentieth century, linguistics was associated with literary studies to be a link between the writer and the ideas he pours into his text. Statistical stylistics is one ...  Read More
Semiotic analysis of the phonetic level of the Bad al-Nabi ode
Semiotic analysis of the phonetic level of the Bad al-Nabi ode

Mohamad Momeni; Shaker Amery; Sadeq Askari; Aliakbar Noresideh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 12 October 2023


  Poems are differentiated from each other by their unique artistic style. Poets outshine each other in using a steady rhythm. Due to the importance of the topic, poets were meticulous ...  Read More
Lexical equivalence in the Arabic translation of Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani’s collection based on Mona Baker’s theory (translated by Manal Al-Yamani Abdul Aziz as an example)
Lexical equivalence in the Arabic translation of Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani’s collection based on Mona Baker’s theory (translated by Manal Al-Yamani Abdul Aziz as an example)

Yousef mottaqiannia; Abdol vahid Navidi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 27 June 2024


  Introduction: The translation process seeks to transform text from one language to another while accurately conveying meaning, tone, and style. Translation takes on a crucial communicative ...  Read More
Analysis of the critical discourse in the” tholathyah alwasiyah”by Khalil Hassan Khalil is the basis of
 Van Dijk’theory
Analysis of the critical discourse in the” tholathyah alwasiyah”by Khalil Hassan Khalil is the basis of Van Dijk’theory

Raja Abuali; shahrzad amirsoleymani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 27 June 2024


  Abstract Critical discourse analysis is one of the types of discourse analysis that takes a critical stance on the way language is used.it tends to analyze all types of discourse with ...  Read More
Manifestations of magical realism in the novel"Al wali Attaher returnes to his pure shrine " by TaherWattar (Study of place, time and characters)
Manifestations of magical realism in the novel"Al wali Attaher returnes to his pure shrine " by TaherWattar (Study of place, time and characters)

zahra haghayeghi; ahmadreza heidaryan shahri; Zahra Makki

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 27 June 2024


  Magical realism is a new approach to writing contemporary novels in which reality and fantasy are intertwined in such a way that all unreal and imaginary events in the context of the ...  Read More
The role of poetic inspiration in enriching deconstructive criticism «a study on the views of Abdullah Al-Ghadami in his book AI-Kateia and Takfir from structural to anatomical»
The role of poetic inspiration in enriching deconstructive criticism «a study on the views of Abdullah Al-Ghadami in his book AI-Kateia and Takfir from structural to anatomical»

mohamad saeedyan tabar; Khalil Parvini; Faramarz mirzaei; Ibrahim Kodayar

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 27 June 2024


  The deconstruction trend, which began independently with the ideas of Jacques Derrida, revolves around the urgency of rebuilding the text after a devastating demolition. Derrida's ...  Read More
Pathology of entrepreneurship in the field of naturopathy for Arabic language and literature graduates
Pathology of entrepreneurship in the field of naturopathy for Arabic language and literature graduates

Ahmad Lamei Giv; Sommayeh Eghbalinasab

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 27 June 2024


  In the contemporary world, entrepreneurship in various scientific fields has witnessed considerable growth. Entrepreneurship and commercialization, as the fundamental and ultimate goal ...  Read More

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