Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 PhD student in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at Allama Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.


Lyotard examined the state of knowledge and technology in modern society and questioned them because they serve the rich who do business with them in the capitalist system that created them to acquire wealth. So it affected all aspects of human life and caused his destruction. He rejected extensive meta-narratives and suggested small and temporary sub-narratives. According to the descriptive-analytical method and relying on Lyotard's postmodern components, this article investigates the role of the capitalist system in general and the development of knowledge and technology in particular in the novel. "The Second Dog War" by Ebrahim Nasrallah. One of the research findings of the article is that in the novel "The Second Dog War", knowledge and technology destroy mankind by being in the hands of politicians and using it as a tool, in such a way that the protagonist Rashed by inventing it causes a similarity. The fictional characters brought chaos and ultimately the destruction of mankind as a result. One of the similar theories of Lyotard and Ebrahim Nasrallah is that both of them have pointed to the crises that modern society and the capitalist system and its knowledge and technology have led to as a result of using tools to earn profit. , With the difference that Lyotard completely rejects the project of enlightenment and modern reason and its manifestations, which cannot reject modern society with its manifestations, because modern society with all its shortcomings is largely in providing a better life. Freedom, equality, removal of oppression and racial. discrimination, etc. have been successful But it seems that Nasrallah, without completely rejecting it, proposes the improvement and reform of modern society through the communicative intellect derived from the dialogues of fictional characters and presenting arguments through these characters, although many dialogues in the novel does not refer to democracy and freedom of speech, but it refers to fascism and dictatorship and covert domination to the extent that the dictator's characters took the freedom of speech from the captive characters and humiliated them and allowed them to speak when speaking and asking questions and they don't ask the question.


Main Subjects

The Sources and References
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