Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 Professor in the department of Arabic language and literature, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria.

2 Professor in the department of Arabic language and literature, Faculty of Arts and literature, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria.

3 Ph.D. candidate in the department of Arabic language and literature Faculty of Arts and literature, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria.


This research studies the poetries necessity according to Al  Serafi , who explained Sebawis book and focused on address about probability of poetry. Also, he wrote a special book about poetic necessity. He didn’t use this term  but its derivations are there: necessity , compelled and synonyms used by the poet
     Alserafi understood the nature of the necessity which is available in every section of the book. He followed Sebawi’s signals in the book sections and pointed to their justifications and he expanded in explaining the necessity and divided necessities into seven section: addition, deletion, detention, substitution, and changing the analysis and making the female male and feminizing the male. Also he defined every sort and brought evidences and commented on them and pointed to the principle of justifying the necessities based on its origin.
       Alserafi distinguished between good and bad necessities , and between necessity and error , and kept the error in mistakes feld not in necessities feld and he dosn,t justify the necessity only but makes effort in finding an outlet for each necessity , consinering it hamony with poetry nature wich has different from prose.


Main Subjects

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