Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 University of Tehran – Pardis of farabi

2 Arabic Language and Literature in University of Tehran – Pardis of farabi


The concept of time is considered as one of the most important elements of a literary work and its artistic creation is a diagram of the author's power and adds an aesthetic view of the text. Unlike most traditionalists who use chronological time to explain and calculate narrative time, modern writers have disrupted the plot by using this basic element and the features of Anachronism. Russian formalists have been pioneers in explaining the mechanisms of narrative time.
This study intends to use a structural-analytical method, while examining the Anachronism in the artistic structure of the drama AL"Sarir" for Youssef Al-Ani, to deal with how and methods of using time components in the plot of this drama. And continuity is profitable. And with artistry, he has used all the components of time, Flash back, Flash Forward, expansion and contraction.
The results of this research show that the linear chronological time order is disrupted during the use of narrative time. In the meantime, the external retrospectiveness of the preface has filled the gaps in the story, created a variety of narratives, and introduced his characters. Forecasts are often mixed. Descriptive pauses have a special dynamism. In this play, unlike the classical narrative methods, implicit omission is more than obvious omission.


Main Subjects

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