Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 professor, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

2 Ph.D student of Arab Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University


Critical discourse analysis approaches have grown due to the progress of awareness and richness of human knowledge. Critical discourse analysis in its most prominent manifestations has been removed from the general and common framework, in any conditions, the environment and the relationship between discourse and domination. Lacla and Mof are the most prominent scholars in this critical movement and have had a special approach to engage with discourse and especially political discourse. The critical theory of Lacla and the mixed mosquitoes are different from the views and views that examine the dans and the flow of links in discourse or text, and the researcher relies on theories of Lacla and Mof, the duty flow, the characteristics of the function, the power relationships and the failure of the breakdown and destruction. To examine the discourse, this research attempts to analyze the descriptive-analytical approach of "Almaedeh alkhamert adoor" from the Qassa poet al-Bostani poet. This is the most famous poet who has written in oppression and deprivations that occurred by the American occupation of Iraq. The results of the research point that the information contains different dashes, and the flow of the text is used to express the main concepts and induces the audience of symbols, references and various devices, and the chain of the dialogue in the axis of placing the concept of resistance or involvement of the conflict (America) .We are witnessing the prominent process to make the Iraqi civilization situation and the poetic expression of the fight against the opposite side and break it from Iraq, which is full of civilization. We also see many null dashes in this poetry discourse and texture of texture for exit and liberation.


Main Subjects


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