Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 PhD student in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.


Minimalism is a program based on brevity and short hand. The main feature of this program is in dealing with and avoiding exaggeration and also avoiding aesthetic types of words and metaphors full of water and light. The minimalist program is a video which provides a simulated image of reality and uses less imagination. Short stories are among the literary genres in which the traces of the minimalist program can be felt. Therefore, by considering a special textual framework, it has made a distinctive point for itself. Some story tellers base their characters on a minimalist program, including the Moroccan novelist Jamal al_Din al_khadiri, whose collection of short stories is called faqaqi. The present study relys on descriptive _ analytical approach to examine a very short literary genre and also to find the reason for the prevalence of minimalist program and its impact on contemporary short stories, especially the collection of stories that we want to study. This study tries to provide a suitable answer for the opponents of the minimalist program by clarifying the theoretical framework of this concept of linguistics and its applicability in short story texts. He has divided the axes into two parts, quantity and nature, and has taken an economical look at volume, personality, time, place, and plot. The most prominent results obtained are: Al-Khudairi considers the very short story an intense and responsive snapshot of the speed of the times and the tendency to be short. It is also characterized by vivid endings that pulsate in the reader's mind, as the writer shares the end with his reader by giving him a dynamic role instead of the usual static in pure reading, which we notice the effectiveness of the recipient as the last and complementary element that weaves the result of the story based on his deductive reflections. Al-Khudairi's stories are also characterized by a structure in harmony with the lower program and philosophical themes crowned with realistic tendencies that contribute to opening new insights for the reader about matters.


Main Subjects


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