Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria.

2 M.A candidate in Arabic language, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria.


Arabic and English languages resemble each other not only in many linguistic characteristics but also in all aspects. This can be ascribed to their belonging to the same linguistic family that they can even be deemed as two dialects of a single old language. Therefore, the comparative lesson seeks to deduce inherent rules that are conducive to the service of both languages. The importance of such rules comes from their ability to settle controversial issues which has remained for years as speculations and analyses far from the linguistic reality. In addition to what Hebrew language offers, both politically and religiously, since the deliberative studying of which reveals the intellectual and humanitarian dimension of its user.
So, there are research in two levels of the lingual lesson: the lexicon and semantics levels by  studying common words phonetically، which change by the cross-use، circulation semantic so  moved auctioneering or expanded or upgraded or degenerated، and this is Because the inevitability of verbal participation in the languages ​​that should interact with each other thereby creating this interaction phenomena of language does not know what they were، unless we search for assets in the original language that made them.


Main Subjects

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