Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 Ph.D. student of Arabic language and literature at Semnan University, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Semnan University

4 Assistant Professor of Linguistics Semnan University


The translation of various texts, especially sacred ones and the literary images used in them, including irony, requires basic solutions. Larsen is one of the linguists who has provided practical strategies in the methods of translating metaphorical images. By introducing three strategies and distinguishing between semantic underpinnings and grammatical, lexical and phonological superstructures of language, he first emphasizes discovering the main meanings by examining the linguistic construction and then re-expressing it in the form of the target language. His semantic translation is a faithful translation into the source language and a reliable way to translate texts, especially religious texts. The purpose of this study is to identify the translation methods in Larsen's model, the effectiveness of the strategies proposed in this model and their compatibility with the translation of Makarem and Ansarian in translating the allusions of the first half of the Qur'an. This research is organized by the method of reviewing translations based on Larsen's approach who has selected twelve ironic images from among twenty-one images purposefully on the subject of resurrection. The results of the research show; translators have performed differently in the components of semantic translation. In translating the virtual meaning, Makarem is more accurate. In translating important lexical components and conveying tacit and explicit information of the text, Ansarian has a more precise and delicate function. But in translating the general and special relations of words, both translators have a similar approach. Summary: The effectiveness of Larsen's semantic components in translating both is evident in varying proportions.


Main Subjects

  1. - The Holy Quran.                                              

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