Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


Assistant professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Euphrates University, Syria.


       Narrative studies related to focus worked on the study of the narrator, as an important structural element in the structure of the storytelling, a thorough study showing his position of what he tells, and his total or partial knowledge of events, his location from them, and his awareness of them, and these studies moved according to two directions: the intellectual-cognitive direction, and the artistic-aesthetic direction, and talked about two types of focus: (internal focus and external focus), thus it was a wide field for technical studies that were not concerned with the human and the psychological aspects of the narrator, social and intellectual aspects related to it. Thus, the narrator remained a narrative technique that is nothing more than a means of conveying the facts of the narration, and the perspective of depicting events.
    This research comes to present a reading in a new dimension of the narrator’s dimensions at the internal level, which does not cancel the two dimensions: intellectual and artistic, and does not replace them with it, but rather it complements and deepens their endeavors, and this new dimension is the psychological dimension that is concerned with the emotional and personal states of the narrator, and it tracks its emotions as influencing factors in the narrative process and the justification for events and an explanation of behavior within the textual body. It is no secret that the relationship between the narrator's psychology and language is rooted in the field of literary creativity. The research applied this perspective to texts from the Syrian short story between 1995 - 2005 AD, given the technical and cognitive development it reached, which gives an applied model that clarifies the importance of the ideas contained in this research and justifies the theoretical aspect from which it was launched. The research ends with a set of results that enrich the narrative studies.


Main Subjects

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B- Magazines:
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