Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature , University of Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD candidate in Arabic Literature, University of Tehran


Michael Riffaterre's semiology is one of the most important methods in literary criticism, which is aimed at ultimate clarity. Considering the semiotic nature of contemporary literary texts, the theory is essentially based on two ways of reading, including Superficial reading and retrospective reading by the skilled and educated reader to deconstruct and synthesize the text by using its culture, linguistic and literary energies to explore the main idea presented by the text. The latter is aimed at analyzing the main parts of the text and understanding the theme. Accordingly, this research investigates Amal Donqol's elegies following the 1967 Defeat through applying Michael Riffaterre's semiology and the analytic-descriptive method. Amongst the results of the research are Arab nations and governors' viewpoint on the defeat and its influence on his poems, which indicate four different (sociopolitical/sociocultural) matrices, and the perfect harmony between historical figures and symbols and each of the mentioned matrixes.


Main Subjects

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