Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 ISLAMIC AZAD UNIVERSITY Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.


   The use of symbols is one of the most effective ways that helps intensify the events and the theme in a short story. And it involves the readers in explaining and interpreting the codes, thus educating them socially and culturally. This study aims at exploring the Omanian experience in short short stories, seeking to study one of these experiences by a critical analysis of a group of short short stories entitled “Serinmat” by Waleed AL-Nabhani. The study will analyze the way the writer utilized different symbols intellectually and aesthetically, starting with the implications of the significant title. In addition, the use of enigmatic texts involves the readers emotionally in the presented phenomenon. This study will emphasize on the intentionality the writer is seeking by enfolding his themes and presenting them in the form of symbolic short short stories. And it will shed light on his perspectives about controversial issues in the Omanian society. The descriptive analytical approach was used in analyzing the data. The research will show that: the writer has managed to intensify his stories by the use of either brief or total symbolic expressions through the texts. His diversity in selecting the symbols and the sources he gained his symbols from are very broad including religious, historical, local heritage, and nature. In addition, he has skillfully invested the symbolic principle to establish his intentionality in preserving the ancient Omanian heritage, and to fulfil different cultural and educational goals, such as: Fighting worn out beliefs, urging critics to pay attention to various literary genres, and highlighting social and economic corruptions.


Main Subjects

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