Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 PhD student in Department of Arabic Language and Literature, kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Khwarizmi University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Khwarizmi University, Tehran, Iran.


In their literary works, poets rely more on the element of place and time and the physical relationships between them and events and incidents occur in time and place in dynamic or static structure. The physical relationships between place and time in Adonis' poetry have played an important role in explaining emotions derived from the poet's sentimental and revolutionary tendencies; while enjoying aesthetic principles along with literal and figurative implications against the events of his age and society. The present study seeks to explore physical relationships between place and time in Adonis' poetic structure and its implications based on psychology while attempting to attribute it to the poet's emotions and feelings, and to adduce a variety of poetic examples of the physical relationships between place and time and the values of its manifestation and implications in poetic images. A descriptive, analytical-statistical and psychological method is used in this article. In the physical images of poetry, the poet's relish in applying the motion of place and time in his poetic context is more emphasized because spatial and temporal motion are in harmony with his Revolutionary perspective of changing and fulfilling his dream of planning for the future brilliant and a new world, and spatial and temporal motion reflect the atheist tendency of the poet, as the poet expresses his opinion about poetry by using this kind of movement; since he believes in poetry as dynamism, movement and denial of silence and solidity and he draws on the poetic image of time and place movement to depict the lost love. As the poet relies on poetic imagery of place and time to effectively stimulate the revolutionary tendency and create a living space and revitalizing life, the images of temporal motion and place in his poetry indicate the futility of being, breaking the linear time and overcoming the domination of time in the silence of space.


Main Subjects


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