Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Tartus University, Syria

2 P.HD Student of Arabic Language, Syria


This study aims to examine how the poetry of Mamduh Udvan was affected by Quranic inspirations and show how the high language and noble meanings of the Quran enhanced the modern poetry to artistic levels. This search for inspiration in Udvan’s poetry has different manifestations examples of which are Provided at two levels in this article: 1) lexical levels in which the poet resort to Quranic lexicon to express a contemporary truth and 2) the stylistic level in which the poet uses Quaranic to communicate his ideas ad feelings by borrowing Quaranic expressions. The Quran has inspired Udvan to create meaning and beauty in his texts. This fact causes his work to make a especial relation with its audience because of the sacredness of the Quran and its high quality language. This inspiration is easily accommodated by the modern poetry, which welcomes connection to the Quran as a dynamic source.


Main Subjects

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