Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


Tishrin university


His study intends to provide a landscape including women in stories and how it is related to the society. This study has used the stories of Mohsen Yusef to give this image along three axes: 1. showing the surroundings of the eastern woman who is kidnapped and suppressed to a catastrophic degree in a society which force her to strip herself of her humanity. 2. Dealing with the reinforced woman who rebel against the eastern realities, which are crystalized in backward traditions and norms and ideas, and fight against oppression and suppression on the side of the society. She stands up for great human values to achieve a life full of love and peace; 3. Looking at women as a symbol which represent understanding without much complexity and ambiguity. In fact, none  of the stories by this poet is without historical allusions and references encrypting a picture of the world as it is


Main Subjects

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2- يوسف، محسن:
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ثانياً: المراجع
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