Document Type : Scientific- Research Article



Symbolism is an interpretive and artistic movement that gives the text meaning, beauty and freshness. The researchers in this articleattempt to investigate the poetry of NimaYoushij and Badr Shakir al-Sayyab by referring to nature and its dynamic order, for the symbolic nature results from the imagination and the surrounding environment and the poet through nature and environment shows the pain and affliction of contemporary man in a symbolic way.The main question which remains to be answered, however, is that whetherthe symbolic nature in the poetry of NimaYoushij and Badr Shakir al-Sayyab takes a socio-political colour, too.The two poets lived in a greenenvironment and, therefore, we see elements of nature, such as woods, palm trees, willows, pine trees, lotuses, the sea, and rain,dominate the vocabulary of these two poets and take symbolic meaning like revolution, country and verdure. In regard of the symbolic nature NimaYoushij and Badr Shakir al-Sayyab tried to depict their country as a burned field of harvest surrounded by confused political factors. They wait in this period for rain to change and improve the state of the nation, obliterate the difficulties, set down the dust of colonialism, remove the clouds of despotism and oppression, and induce in the vein of life the desire of return and hope for a bright future.


Main Subjects

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