Document Type : Scientific- Research Article



Abdulkareem alyafi' s book, The Problem of sufi Expression, is a significant turning point in the process of academic studies that have tackled the sufi expression and its characteristics. The above – mentioned book was published in 1963 as part of Alyafi' s book,Artistic studies in Arabic literature. this research focues on defining, discussing, and criticizing Alyafi' s book Moreover, this research points out the pedagogical elements that characterized this book and confined it within its strategy. the significance of these critical issues spring from such restrictions to open its restricted signs to other horizons beyond the pedagogical confinements. Therefore, this research goes beyond mere surveying or following the obvious thread to dive deep after the direct and real issues that underlay much of Alyafi' s study in tackling the two styles of Sufism: symbolism and Abstrationism.


Main Subjects

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4 ـ منصف، عبد الحق، أبعاد التجربة الصوفية، (د. ط)، المغرب: أفريقيا الشرق، 2007.
5 ـ اليافي، عبد الكريم، التعبير الصوفي ومشكلته، (د. ط)، دمشق: منشورات جامعة دمشق، 1420 ـ  1412 ه، 1999 ـ 2000م.