Syzyf myth is one of the main inspirations for modern Arabic and Persian poets. In ancient Greek myth it is stated that Syzyf, because of defying the gods, was condemned to carrying a big rock up the steep mountain to the peak. He is forced to repeat this because in every trip the rock goes off this hands near the top and rolls down the mountain. This way he symbolizes eternal punishment and pain. This story has become a source and reference for many social, philosophical, political, and cultural themes in poetry. This study investigates the influence of this myth on the works of two prominent poets: Mahdi Akhawan Sales and Abd Al- Wahhab Bayati. The questions which are addressed include: 1) Why do Abd al-Wahhab Bayati and Akhawan sales pay a attention to this myth? And 2) what elements do they bring in to make effective use of this myth?
Main Subjects
أ: الكتب
ب: المجلات
1- الشمعة، خلدون، «تقنية القناع : دلالات الحضور و الغياب»، مجلة الفصول، مصر، العدد 16، صيف1997م، ص74-95.
2- الموسي، خليل، مترجم: موسي بيدج، « اسطوره در شعر معاصر عرب»، مجله شعر، شماره 28، بهار 1379، ص88 - 93.