Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


Assistant Professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University


A literary work can be appraised for its style in different ways. This study intends to investigate the intellectual aspects of Sareh by Mahmood Aqqad. This book shares some aspects with other plays and novels, but enjoys distinctive characteristics such as the use of rhetorical devices for textual and discourse purposes, different dimension, of discourse analysis tools, using popular stories, and employing sincere and tangible figurative language. The present article investigates this book for different textual dimensions such as style, discourse and rhetorical devices, so that it is proved that Aqqad's style can be described from a discoursal and rhetorical stance and logical and rational strands are stronger than imaginative ones. This claim can be elaborated according to the characteristics and evidence in the book.


Main Subjects

ج: المصادر الإنجليزية:
1-    Bullock  Alan & Stallybrass Oliver , Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought , 1981 ,ondon.
2-    Leech Geoffrey & short  Micheal , Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose , 1981 , Harlow.
3-    Mann Micheal , Macmillan Student Encyclopedia of Sociology , 1989 ,
د) المواقع الإنترنتية: