Document Type : Scientific- Research Article



Contemporary literary criticism has resort to modern western methods such as formalism, structuralism, and trends which were later incorporated like stylistics and analytical studies. This has had an influence on literary and critical this study we are interested in a type of stylistic investigation which uses analytical linguistic techniques for analyzing literary styles following scientific schools of thoughts and methods. The vocabulary and word reservoir of a poet or an author are among the most distinctive features of a literary style. So, investigating that vocabulary guides us in knowing the characteristics of a style. That vocabulary shows the character of a literary person. The variety in words used by an author is one of stylistic feature the study of which in a certain texts can help answer the following three questions based on statistical data:
1. Which text manifest a certain type of vocabulary
2. How did the author used this variety of words in creating his works.
3. Can we come to other conclusions by examining some patterns in the words
This research used statistical data to reach scientific and exact conclusions. We introduce a statistical method for assessing variety of words and investigate samples of writings by Khlill Jibran, Manfaluti and Reyhani. We also achieved other results based in word patterns. But the most important results are: Jibran showed the highest variety (%43) and Reyhani showed the least (%35). Manfaluti falls in between (%38). We also understood that the repetition if some words reveals some of the thoughts, personality, and style of an author to a large extent, without knowing that author in a precise way if we are familiar with that author, we can see how successful he is in expressing his beliefs in the literary work.


Main Subjects

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