
Assistant Professor in Arabic Llanguage and Lliterature Ddepartment at Tishreen University, Syria.


This study investigates the use of dress words in the 4th Century (AH), particulary in two books by Ghazi Tanoukhi. The article attempts to reveal the phonological and lexical changes and developments related to clothing. It also examines the manner of articulation such sounds and compare them with the manner of articulation of Arabic sounds, so that the differences and commonalities are shown. The article also discusses changes which occurred to Arabized words. In relation to the meanings of such words, this study examines them according to their etimology in Arabic dictionaries and dictionaries of Arabized words, so that it is revealed whether the meanings of these words match with their meanings as used by the people of that period. The article then describes the semantic changes which occurred in the language of people in the 4th century. Ø´


Main Subjects

  1. Palmer. Semontics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1976, p:11-12.