
PhD student, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Iran.


   If we take a cursory look at the Al Eqd Al Farid written by Ibn Abde Rabbeh, it appears like a volumnous encyclopedia which encapsulates the magnificent Islamic culture. But, what is more wonderful in this work is the display of the roles by Iranians in its different parts.   It is not surprising if we face this situation in Arabic literatur, because since a long time ago the Arabs and Iranians have had mutual relations. But after pondering over Ibn Abde Rabbeh’s work we find that the geographical, political, cultural and historical distances between Iran and Andalusia have not prevented the Iranian history and culture, in general, and Sassanian culture in particular fromfeaturinym.   this research is an effort reveal the Iranian portrayal "Al - Eqd al- Farid",so that the rationbetween parsian and andalusian literature is examined and scrutinized.  


Main Subjects

1-خسروي، زهرا. شعر شكار در ادب عربي با نگاهي به شعر نخجيرگاني فارسي. تهران: انتشارات امير كبير. 1383ش.
2-داهيم، إبراهيم. خسرو پرويز در جنگهاي بيست وهفت ساله ايران وروم. چاپ سوم . انتشارات گلريز.1376ش.
3-كريستين سن، آرتور. ايران در زمان ساسانيان. ترجمه: رشيد ياسمي. تهران: دنياي كتاب. 1372ش.
4-علي بن أبي طالب. نهج البلاغة. ترجمه: علامه محمد تقي جعفري. تهران: دفتر نشر فرهنگ اسلامي. 1378ش.
5-هرودوت. تاريخ هرودوت. چاپ سوم. تلخيص و تنظيم ا.ج.اوانس. ترجمه وحيد مازندراني. تهران: انتشارات علمي و فرهنگي وابسته به وزارت فرهنگ و آموزش عالي. 1362ش