Publication terms and conditions of the Journal of Studies on Arabic Language and Literature


The Journal of Studies on Arabic Language and Literature is an international peer-reviewed research quarterly that includes research in Arabic language and literature that reveals the existing interaction between Arabic and Persian languages and focuses on the cultural exchange between two deep-rooted civilizations.

This journal publishes innovative pieces of research in the mentioned fields in Arabic with Arabic, Persian, and English abstracts under the following terms and conditions:

  1. The research topics should be original and novel; the manuscripts should not have been published in other journals or sent to any journal or conference when sent to Studies on Arabic Language and Literature.
  2. Manuscripts must be prepared in the following order:
  • Title page (article title, name, scientific rank, address, and e-mail of the authors);
  • Arabic abstract of about 200 words with keywords at the end;
  • The manuscript includes an introduction and its subsections, analysis, results, and conclusion);
  • Reference list;
  • English translation of all references; and
  • Persian and English abstracts.

Note: Persian and English abstracts must be put at the end of the manuscripts on two separate pages, along with the manuscript title, author information, and keywords. The information for the authors in the abstracts is as follows: full name of the authors under the manuscript title in normal order. In the footnote, each author’s academic rank, field of study, university name, city name, e-mail, and phone number are added separately with an asterisk (*) that refers to each author.

  1. The reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order as follows: authors’ surnames, comma (,), authors’ first names, comma (,), book title (in bold), comma (,), publication number, colon (:), place of publication, comma (,), publisher’s name, comma (,), date of publication, full stop (.).

Note 1: If a reference is an article published in a scientific journal, it should be cited as follows: authors’ surnames, comma (,), authors’ first names, comma (,), article title inside quotation marks (““), comma (,), journal title (in bold), comma (,), Journal number, comma (,), date of publication, comma (,), number of the first and last page of the article, full stop (.).

Note 2: If the reference is a website, it must be cited as follows:

Authors’ surnames, comma (,), article titles inside the quotation mark (“”), website name (bold), comma (,), electronic address of the website, comma (,), date of citation (inside the double braces), full stop (.).

  1. Footnote citations are done as follows: if a reference is a book, the authors’ first names and surnames (in the normal order), comma (,), book title (in bold), comma (,), page number, full stop (.). Note 1: If the reference is in more than one volume, the volume and page numbers are given. Footnotes in footnote citations must be numbered independently for each page, and the first reference must be fully presented; in the first citation of each page, according to the citation of the previous page, it is not mentioned as (ibid).


Note 2: If the reference is an article, it is given in the following order in the footnote: the authors’ first names and surnames (in normal order), comma (,), article title (in bold), comma (,), page number, full stop (.).

Note 3: If the reference is an internet site, first the author’s name in the normal order, followed by a comma, the title of the article (in bold), a comma, then the website title in Arabic, followed by a full stop (.).

Note 4: If the reference is an internet website, first the authors’ first names and surnames (in the normal order), comma (,), article title (in bold), comma (,), the website name in Arabic, full stop (.).


  1. For citing the verses of the Qur’an, first, the name of the sura, followed by a colon (:), and then the number of the verse comes, for example, Al-Baqarah: 64. The verses appear in curly braces  ﴿ ﴾.
  2. The number of figures and images appears between two small brackets according to the entry order in the topics. Also, their symbols are put under each figure or image. The tables are also numbered similarly, and their marks appear above them.
  3. An abstract is a concise summary of an article and includes the most important results of the article. The introduction should also have the following clauses: statement of the problem and determination of the subject, significance of the article, research method along with the reason for choosing the research subject, research questions and hypotheses, and the research background and its evaluation.

Note: quotations and citations are not allowed in the introduction and conclusion because the opening and ending speeches allow the authors to enter the readers into the subject in their words. Thus, quoting and citing other works in these sections is unnecessary. If the authors are forced to quote from other works to transfer some information that can be employed in the statement of the problem, they should bring it as a separate sub-section, after the introduction, in a preliminary subject with a new subtopic. Also, no quotation or citation is allowed at the beginning and end of the sub-sections because their beginnings are for introduction and background, and their ends are for criticism and conclusion.

  1. Articles can be submitted only through the journal’s website, provided that they are prepared in Word files with a page size of 4A, IRLotus font with 14 in the main texts and 12 in the footnotes. Footnotes should be indented 3 cm, and images and tables should be in their places in the texts.
  2. The number of words in the article with figures, pictures, tables, reference list, and three abstracts and translation of references in English must not be more than 8500 words.
  3. The English translation of the abstracts and references must be edited by a skilled translator and accurately based on the Arabic text. The English translation of all non-English references, whether Arabic or Persian, or any other language, is done in the following way:

طبل، حسن، المعنى في البلاغة العربيّة، الطبعة الأولى، القاهرة: دار الفكر العربيِّ، 1998.

Tabl,  Hassan,  the Meaning of  Arabic  Calligraphy, I1,  Cairo: Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi, [In Arabic]. 1998.

  1. Authors should observe the principles of correct Arabic spelling, especially in writing Hamza(ء) , ياء, and Shadda (ّ) and putting nunations (tanwīn/ ـٌ‎  ـٍ‎  ـً) on the suffix ⟨ـا⟩ (alif), and the letter changed from of the letter tanwīn nūn ending pauses, and not on the letter after it. Also, the authors should use the marks correctly for clarifying the headings of sections and subsections, so they should use letters for the headings of the sections and numbers for the headings of subsections.
  2. In the literature review section, non-Arabic works and dissertations titles should be translated into Arabic in parentheses, and the Hijri date should be converted to the Gregorian date. However, the Gregorian date is written in parentheses next to the Hijri date in the reference list.
  3. Two reviewers will confidentially review all manuscripts sent to check their publication values (double-blind peer review).
  4. If authors have a manuscript under review in this journal, please do not send another manuscript to the journal containing the name of one of the authors of the former manuscript. Also, if the acceptance letter is issued for an article, authors should not submit any manuscript six months from the date of the acceptance of the former manuscript.
  5. The manuscripts published in this journal only express the opinions and ideas of their authors and do not present the opinions of the editorial board; thus, all the responsibility for the information entered in the manuscripts, both scientifically and legally, rests with the authors.


  • You can contact the journal through the following two addresses:
  1. Iran: Semnan City, Semnan University, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, second floor, office of the Journal of Studies on Arabic and Literature.
  2. Syria: Latakia, Tishreen University, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Dr. Abdul Karim Yaqoob’s office.