Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 Allame tabatabaee

2 Allameh Tabataba`i University




Critical discourse analysis is one of the types of discourse analysis that takes a critical stance on the way language is tends to analyze all types of discourse with the aim of identifying the ideology and values inherent in those discourses.Khalil Hassan Khalil’s novels monitor the conditions of Egyption society,which is controlled by the English feudal lords,with the slavery and humiliation they imposed on the peasants.Since critical discourse analysis as articulated by Van Dijk examines the attacks of dominante social power and exposes social inequalities,Van Dijk’s style is an appropriate standard for addressing the issues of these narratives.This study attempted to clarify the ideology or ideologies of the novelist Khalil Hassan Khalil,relying on the descripitive analytical method and Van Dijk’s theory of critical discourse analysis.The results of the research reached that the discourse in the discourse producer’s narratives in presenting the positive image of members of the inside group i.e. workers and farmers, and presenting the negative image of members of the outside group,i.e. capitalists and colonialists,agrees with Van Dijk’s ideological square.To achive this goal,the novelist employed several strategies and techniques,such as Description of the social function,creation of distance,extension, amplification,number game,metaphor.

Keywords:”tholathyah alwasiyah|”,Khalil Hassan Khalil,Van Dijk,ideological square,critical analysis of discourse.


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