Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies ,Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.



Introduction: The translation process seeks to transform text from one language to another while accurately conveying meaning, tone, and style. Translation takes on a crucial communicative role by bridging the gap between different languages and facilitating understanding across diverse cultures and societies. The functional equivalence model developed by Mona Bakr included five levels, and it is a process in which the translator understands the concept of the source text and finds the appropriate way to express the same concept in the target text.

Research Methodology: Using the descriptive analytical method, our research attempts to study the Arabic translation of Al-Jilani’s collection according to lexical equivalence and the techniques it proposed.

Research objectives: is to apply the theory of linguistic equivalence by Mona Bakr to the translation of the Yemeni Abdul Aziz and to show the extent of his success in achieving the aforementioned equivalence. Through this, we generate a critical text that may help translators understand the theory and benefit from it in their translations.

Research results: The research shows that borrowing was the most widely used method. Next came the general or specific word technique, which the translator uses when confronting the different structure in the Arabic and Persian languages, and the distinct poetic style and context. Then came the technique of neutrality to indicate Abdel Aziz's commitment to preserving the nuances and complexities of the source material. Alternative cultural technology ranked fourth, and it is one of the points that the translator takes into consideration. The explanation technique and formulation of relevant vocabulary came next, and the translator's choices were successful and effective. Then came the explanatory translation technique, and the deletion technique came in the next two places, and the latter arose from a wrong understanding of word parsing and avoiding repetition. The last position was devoted to the explanatory translation technique by formulating an unrelated word.


Main Subjects