PHD student in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Isfahan University, Iran.
Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Isfahan University, Iran.
Document Type : Scientific- Research Article
The comma is one of the branches of Qur'anic song in visualizing the meaning and influencing the mind of the receiver. In order to achieve its goals, the Qur'an has paid attention to it as well as its meaning and context, so that if it is left out, the meaning of the verse will be distorted. From here, it is noted that the Qur'an sometimes deviates from the order of its words due to distance, and this deviation will have an amazing effect on the arrangement of words and the modification of its letters. In this research, the careful selection of strange words of the Qur'an and their use in space as a means of melodious and effective expression in conveying meaning and on the listener's soul are discussed. Its phonetic and semantic importance are combined in the explanation and analysis of the word, so that it is no longer appropriate to separate them from each other. This research is limited to the song of distance that is found in Surah Najm, because the Qur'an has preferred the use of strange terms here and has switched from the word (unfair) or (incomplete) to a more strange word. This tableau is a simultaneous reflection of drawing meaning and phonetic consistency. The approach of this research is descriptive and analytical based on the description of phonetic deviation phenomenon, rhetorical and semantic goals and subtleties of choosing the word in the context in which it is used, and among the most obvious results of this research is the impossibility of substituting a word for Another word in a context in the Holy Quran is in the full expression of the meaning in an equal form, the purpose of the words, and the accuracy of the choice of the word as a complement to the meaning and the song together.
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