The phonetic level, which is represented in the phonetic structure and the internal and external rhythmic structure, is considered one of the most important levels in stylistic and semantic studies. At this level, the research studies the rhythm or external music and the elements that make it in poetry, such as meter, intonation, rhyme and its aesthetic effect. It also studies rhythm, internal music, and the elements that make it, such as repetition, alliteration, contrast, assonance, and their inspiring connotations. This research with a descriptive-analytical method seeks to investigate the stylistics of the phonetic level in the Diwan of Ibn Marj Al-Kohl Al-Andalusi and his poetic features through a theoretical and applied vision on his poems through the study of external and internal music in his poetry. In the study of the poet's external music, the results of the research indicate that he composed his poems and poetic pieces on the well-known poetic meters in Arabic poetry, and he benefited from the Al-bahr Al-tawil more than the rest of the meters, and after that comes the Al-Bahr Al-Wafer and the Al-Kamel and Al-Baseet. And there are some meters that the poet neglected them, such as Al-Madid, Al-Hazaj, Al-Rajaz, Al-Monsreh, Al-Mozarea, Al-Muqtadab, and Al-Mutadarik. The poet employed most of the Arabic letters in the rhyme and used the absolute rhyme much more than the restricted rhyme. The poet diversified the use of internal music through variety of means, such as repetition of sounds, words, phrases, alliteration, contrast, and assonance in the beginning of his poems and poetic pieces.
Main Subjects
The Sources and References:
Nassar, Hussein, Rhyme in Prosody and Literature, Port Said: Maktabat Al-Thaqafat Al-diniia, 2001.