Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 PhD student in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran.

2 Associate Professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran.

3 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Professor of Comparative Literature and Literary Criticism, Department of Arabic Language, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria.


This study aims to reveal the function of the main fictional character according to the method of Vladimir Prov, and to analyze her fictional role in the two novels (The Tanki) by Alia Mamdouh and (The casual Vacancy) by J.K. The novel expresses the main idea intended by the writer in his literary work. Then we compare all this to reveal the similarities and differences between the functions of the characters in both novels, based on a descriptive, analytical and comparative approach. The study seeks to identify the points of similarity and difference in a novel that sheds light on the social reality of Iraq, and another English novel that sheds light on the reality of British society. Despite the geographical distance between the Iraqi and British societies, and the environmental, cultural, linguistic, religious and historical differences, the human nature and feelings remain the same, but they differ in the way of thinking and the way of dealing; therefore, it is necessary to know all of this by analyzing the functions of the fictional characters. These similarities and differences depended on the nature of the social conditions resulting from the environment of both novelists, who employed them according to the nature of their reality and depending on the nature of the scenes they intended, under the mold of the nature of their specialization, which paved the way for them to enable them to diversify the characters and accurately chart their behavior.


قائمة المصادر والمراجع

أولاً: المصادر العربيّة

أ. الكتب

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