Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 PhD student in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.


Poems are differentiated from each other by their unique artistic style. Poets outshine each other in using a steady rhythm. Due to the importance of the topic, poets were meticulous in compiling the style and structure of the poem. "Mohammed Saeed al-Mansouri" was a contemporary poet and due to the quality of his poetic style, he rapidly became famous. The Bad al-Nabi ode gained fame compared to his other poems and therefore an analysis of its artistic style based on cognitive approach seemed necessary. Consequently, we examined three levels in this ode: rhetorical, grammatical and phonetic style.

Following our extensive research, we can mention the unique skill of the poet in his poetic style in this ode. This ode had several unique features and the poet's skill was manifested on three levels: rhetorical, grammatical, and phonetic. On the rhetorical level: the poet utilized several arts, including: general and implicit simile, explicit metaphor, irony of adjectives and adverbs, and partial metonymy. By using these styles, he has depicted the characteristics of Hazrat Zahra during the calamity. However, on the phonetic level: the poet utilized techniques such as imperfect puns, verbal and spiritual repetition to representation of Zahra's grief and add phonetic power to declarative sentences (nouns and adverbs); The poet has used noun sentence to prove the sad event of fracturing Zahra's rib and the looting of her inheritance and the murder of her child. Additionally, the present participle sentences are used to express the continuity of the Prophet's grief and sorrow. We also see the frequent use of past verbs, which shows the inevitability of the sorrowful events that happened to Hazrat Zahra, in order to invalidate any claims to the contrary. And we also see a lot of dedication to the rhetorical motive: such as: dedication to genitive case and preposition and distinguishing one's own in order to express sadness. Generally, all the artistic styles used played an important role in depicting the features of oppression against Hazrat Zahra and expressing the greatness of her calamity and the tribulations and calamities that have concretely befallen her. Moreover, the poet sought to evoke a sense of chivalry, and his objective was to inform about the events that happened to the Holy Lady and her relationship with her father and her husband (AS).


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