Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University

3 PhD student in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.


Translation criticism means a comprehensive and inclusive look at various aspects of translation, which is of great importance to researchers, writers and other people who pay attention to the field of translation. Translation criticism, if it is done correctly without bias and malice and according to its correct principles and frameworks and is based on science and knowledge, it will cause a tremendous change and significant progress. Today, there are various methods and theories for translation criticism, one of which is Joseph Malone's theory. The use of new translation ideas and approaches can solve the problems and challenges of this field. For translation, Malone proposes methods such as: adaptation, regrouping, alternation and new arrangement. In this research, a part of Mohammad Hizbaizadeh's translation of the novel "Hain Turkana Al Jasr" by Abdur Rahman Manif was analyzed based on Joseph Malone's theory. The result of the research shows that the elements of matching, compatibility and regrouping are more consistent with the translation of the translator and through them the implied meaning of the word and the message hidden in it are eloquently conveyed to the reader. Therefore, these three elements compared to the other two elements (alternation and fresh arrangement) had more reflection and expression in the translation of the selected parts.


Main Subjects

  1. The Sources and References:

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    D: English sources:

    1_Catford, john c. a linguistic theory of translation London: oxford university press, 1965.

    2_Chomsky, noam, aspects of the theory of syntax Cambridge, ma: the mit press, 1965.

    3_Malone, joseph l the science of linguistics in the art of translation: some tools from linguistics for the analysis and practice of translation, Albany: state university of New York press, 1988.

    E: Internet resources

    1_ Mrs. Sadeghi, (16 January 2016)/ Al-Tarjmeh database, principles of translation, tips for better translation