Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 Professor, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Candidate, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.


Postmodern thought in its cognitive system considers language to be superior to existence and knowledge and considers it the basis of the creation of values. This view does not accept any absolute belief in its epistemological system. Language dominance and, consequently, post-structuralism and deconstruction, separate the sign from the signifier and do not give it a specific meaning. In this language game, language is a set of slippery slopes that have no centrality. In our reading of the poetry of Adonis, we have seen this intellectual tendency in his rich and creative works. Adonis believes in the supremacy and control of language, without a doubt, and rejects the centrality of meaning, something which is very clear in his poetry. What is important to know is how Adonis used language to reveal its power and how he employed it to create truth and change reality. We found that Adonis showed in his creative poetry that language is a set of signs with infinite connotations, and that it is these signs that make up what Jacques Derrida called “difference”, which makes meaning continuously open-ended. More importantly, Adonis's poetry leads us to the fact that meaning and truth are relative and are only made by the linguistic mechanisms. Thus, the meanings in Adonis's poetry come to light and gain multiple levels. This notion of multiple meanings has faced many challenges in Islamic circles and contemporary literary criticism.


Main Subjects

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