Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


Assistant Professor, Tishreen University, Syria


According to al Qertajeni, interpretation is closely related production of meaning, which is a natural consequence of literary creation. Rhetoric in his view is a global scholarship which includes different conceptual and formal branches. Hence, his interpretation reflects a particular type of rhetoric. This is revealed to us when we look at his views about the complexities arising from meanings with multiple interpretations. In his view, complexity stems from the two important issues of precision and perfection. This caused Hazem ul Qertajeni to scrutinize the poets according to his own criteria when they praise or criticize. Hazem analyzes different descriptions including necessary description and likely or ordinary descriptions. The more a description is motivated, the better it appeals to the reader. Another kind of description is unlikely description— a description which is imaginable even if it does not exist and is used only figuratively. Another type is impossible description, which neither exists nor is imaginable It is the most unsuitable type and only mediocre poets use it.


Main Subjects

1- Ibrahim Rmmani, the mystery in modern Arabic poetry, collection university printings, Algeria, without date.
2- Abou Tamam, The collection, explaining: alKhateeb Altabreezy, Investigation: Mohammed Abdoh Azzam, P4, Almarif house – Cairo.
3- Ihsan Abbas: the history of literature criticim, P1, Alsakafa house – Beirut, 1971.
4- AlAkhdar Jamey, readings in literature and style theorizing upon AL Arab, P1, and the national institution for printed arts, Algeria, 2002 AD.
5- Alasha, The collection, Investigation: Fawzy Atawy, P: the Lebanese company for book, Beirut – Lebanon, 1968 AD.
6- Albauhtoury, The collecyion, Investigation: Ali Bn Allah Alsheerazy, Indian printer – Egypt, 1911 AD.
7- Ibn AlRoomy, The collection, Investigation: Ahmad Hassan Bsj, house of scientific books, Part: 1, P: 2, 2002 AD, Beirut – Lebanon.
8- Jabir Asfour: concept of poetry, The Arabic center for culture and science, Cairo, Printed: 1982 AD.
9- Hazim Alkirtajeny, way of eloquents and saddler of literatures, Investigation: Mohammed Alhabeeb Bn Alkhouja, house of Islamic west, Beirut, without date.
10- Hassan Bn Sabit, The collection, Investigation: Abd Muhanna, house of scientific books, Beirut – Lebanon, P2, 1994 AD.
11- Alhassan Bn Hani, Abou Nawas, The collection, Investigation: Ahmad Abd Almajeed Algazali, house of the Arabic book, Beirut – Lebanon, 1953.
12- Ziad Alajam, The collection, Investigation: Dr. yousef Hussen Bakkar, AlMasyra house, P1- 1983 AD.
13- Safwat Abd Allah Alkhateeb, theory of Hazame the critical esthetic per the Greece's effects, P: Alsakafa house, Beirut – Lebanon, 1971 AD.
14- Altrmah Bn Hakeem AlTay – his life, poetry, the collection, Mohammed Ali Kassab, Beirut – Lebanon, June – 1993 AD.
15- Aurwa Bn Alward, The collection, Investigation: Asma Abu Bakr Mohammed, house of scientific books, Beirut – Lebanon, without date.
16- Katary Bn Alfuja, The collection, Investigation: Ihsan Abbas, Sader house - Beirut – Lebanon, without date.
17- Koothayr Azza, The collection, Investigation: Ihsan Abbas, Alsakafa house, Beirut – Lebanon, 1971 AD.
18- Almoutanabby, The collection, explaining and Investigation: Nasif Alyazejy, P: 2, the AlKalam house, Beirut – Lebanon, without date.
19- Imrou Alkays, The collection, Investigation: Mustafa Abd Alshafy, house of scientific books, P: 5, Beirut – Lebanon, 2004 AD.