Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


1 Arabic Language and Literature Ph.D. Candidate, Tishrin University.

2 Professor, Tishrin University


research aims to unveil the nature of human spirit as reflected in the poems of
an Omayyad poet and describe the social changes that took place in the period,
changes which had major influence on the poets’ ways of thinking during that
era. These changes have been revealed in the deep and sophisticated thinking
which have been featured clearly in the images for aging in Al Arji’s poetry.
These images represent the voice of freedom and the metaphysic inspiration that
can penetrate the unconscious sentiments of the human being and recreate
his/her picture of reality. Hence, these images are the most precise and
reliable groundwork based on which one can formulate a novel picture of the
Omayyad society. Poetic images of aging comprised a large bulk of the poems of
this poet and therefore serve as an influential artistic tool in reshaping the
features of the portrait of the human being in the Omayyad society. These
images shows the emergence of story-telling in the Omayyad poetry which in turn
adds distinctive artistic values and discloses the inner human characteristics.
Moreover, these images provide us with different sentiments and sufferings
which people have experienced during the Omayyad era.


Main Subjects

  1. أولاً: المصادر والمراجع العربية:

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    7. العرجي، عبد الله بن عمر القرشيّ،  الديوان، رواية أبي الفتح، عثمان بن جنّي، شرحه وحققه: خضر الطائي، ورشيد العبيدي، الطبعة الأولى، بغداد: الشركة الإسلامية للطباعة والنشر المحدودة، 1956م.
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    ثانياً: المراجع المعرّبة:

    1. سارتر، جان بول، الوجود والعدم "بحث في الأنطولوجيا الظاهراتية"، ترجمة: عبد الرحمن بدوي، الطبعة الأولى، بيروت: دار الآداب، 1966م.
    2. كامو، ألبير، الإنسان المتمرّد، ترجمة: نهاد رضا، الطبعة الثالثة، بيروت: منشورات عويدات، 1983م.   
    3. ماكوري، جون، الوجودية، ترجمة: إمام عبد الفتاح إمام، مراجعة: فؤاد زكريا، القاهرة: دار الثقافة للنشر، 1986م.


    ثالثاً: المراجع الإنكليزيّة:

    1. Horace, Horace Complete Works, Compiled by J.M.Dent & Sons LTD, Last Print, London: The Aldin Press, 1953.