Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tishreen Univesity, Syria


This paper deals with the question of defining roots in the light of comparisons which show the importance of such comparative studies, taking into consideration phonetic rules.  These rules were used in modern research to establish the originality of a word or lack of it from the etymological point of view. Analysis, linguistic explanation, and comparisons contribute to tracing the morphological syntax of words by tracking changes and transformations that language has witnessed through time. This study is a foundational study of Arabic roots of the five nominals in comparison with Semitic languages. It concludes with the interpretations of a linguistic phenomenon ancient Arab linguists frequently addressed in their works. In composing their lexicons, these linguists used morphological measures and included derivations and diacritics. This research adopts a comparative- analytical approach and focuses on bilingual lexicon making. The research is interested in the description of phonetic, morphological and syntactical relations in the five nominal and in the structures and forms which open Arabic lexicons as well as Acadian, Ugaritian, Phoenician, Aramaic, and Hebrew ones.


Main Subjects

  1. ب‌. المراجع الأجنبية:

    1. Segert,s., Abasic Grammar of the Ugaritic language with Selected texts and Glossary , California , 1984.
    2. Moscati, S., An Introduction to the comparative Grammar of the Semitic languges, 2nd Edition, Wiesbaden, 1969.


    المعاجم العربية والسامية:

    اللغة الأكادية:

    1. Soden, von, w., Akkadisches Handworterbuch, Wiesbaden, 1959 (A H W).

    اللغة الفينيقية:

    1.  Tomback, Richard. S., Acomparative Semitic lexicon of the Phoenician and Punic languages. Printe in USA, 1979.

    اللغة الأوغاريتية:

    1.  Gordon, C.H., Ugaritic text book, 3 vols, reprinted: Roma 1965.

    اللغة العبرية:

    1. قوجمان، ي. قاموس عبري – عربي، بيروت: دار الجيل، وعمان: دار المحتسب، 1970.

    اللغة الآرامية:

    1. الذييب، سليمان بن عبد الرحمن، معجم المفردات الآرامية القديمة – دراسة مقارنة، الرياض: مطبوعات الملك فهد الوطنية، 2006.