Document Type : Scientific- Research Article



Umayyad court poets were known for their subtle and excellent poetry, and their high technical capacity and musical skill.  They recognized patterns and the things in the world well, therefore, there were different meanings and structures in their literary texts. If the creative conflicted what there was actually in the world, the poets found the best aesthetic solution. They expressed deliberately and hid deliberately. They employed more than one technique in the structures they presented and the compositions they produced in order to cater for the state of the minds of the creative spirits. This research presents the role of semantics in Umayyad Court poetry, and the techniques that these poets used in their poetry including stating and deleting certain words and sounds, whether they were written or were just sounded. Some other techniques such as using absolute and particular terms, using connected and disjointed language, rearrangement, rising tempo, and surprising the audience are also discussed. For this purpose, examples from Jamil, Omar, Qaiss bin Al-Molawwah and Qaiss bin Thoraih are used. 


Main Subjects

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