Document Type : Scientific- Research Article


Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Bushehr University, Bushehr, Iran.


In Arabic poetry, the device of repetition functions at two levels: form and meaning. In form, repetition makes for musical richness, and in meaning, it makes for emphasis. The present article is a study of repetition in “An Address from the Market of Idleness” by Palestinian poet Samīh Al-Qāsim. The poem depicts actual and possible Palestinian sufferings inflicted by Israelis and stresses that the poet’s resistance against the enemy will not be affected. In this article, the device of repetition is studied by considering repeated words, phrases and similar verb forms, and the poet’s intention in using repetition.


Main Subjects

  1. Hasan, Rugaiya, Linguistics, language, and verbal art, Oxford University Press, 1989.
  2. Weil, Gotthold, “ʿArūd. I”, in Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition, Leiden- London: Brill- Luzac, 1960, Volume I, pp. 667-677.