Document Type : Scientific- Research Article



Khaled Hussain builds up the text of his Novel “The Kite Runner” on the borders of the biography and novel imagination and chronicles the changes of the consciousness in this active and reactive self about what happens with it and what goes around it, and with the other characters that direct the events of narration, its development and its interaction with openness to the future, as it was opened to its present and past. He also targets the role of the narrator, whose self-vision dominates everything, thus he criticizes him and his surroundings, and looks at his disability in the face of many events, and his attempts to overpass his weakness towards the issues that constitute the social, cultural, and historical realities in which he lives, to be able at the end to pass the test in working for liberation from its torments towards a promising future.


Main Subjects

1-      Hosseini (Khaled)، Les CERFS – VOLANTS DE KABOUL، traduit par valerie BOUGEOIS –belfond، Paris 2005