

Syntactic analogies are so ubiquitous that they permeate all areas of syntax. This ubiquity has added to the increasing significance of syntactic studies. It would have been a positive stride if early syntactic scholars had provided a sound framework for syntactic analogies and their evaluation and had reached a consensus as to how to observe and follow the conditions entailed by them so that later scholars could have followed the set criteria without flouting the syntactic rules. Unfortunately, no such consensus is reported to have been reached. For this reason, syntax suffered from too many views about its rules, which stemmed from faulty analogies. This article deals with the most important conditions and rules for sound analogy and traces analogy in original early texts. There is no doubt that following sound analogies plays a big role in redressing mistakes resulting from faulty analogies and diminishes differences over syntactic rules. If this scholarly program is implemented, syntax is relieved from the swamp it is entangled in and interested scholars will find a paved way for further progress. This great endeavor is one way to facilitate the scientific study of syntax and revive the messages in the works of great scholars, an endeavor which can be undertaken only by people with expertise in syntactic principles.


Main Subjects

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