Document Type : Scientific- Research Article



   This article deals with the systematic significance of Ney (the Flute) , which is rooted in Persian literary heritage and was manifested in the work of Jalāl-ad-Dīn-e Rūmī, also known as Mowlavi. It then elaborates on its influence on modern Arab poetry. To achieve this, the article first takes a glimpse at the famous poem by Mowlavi, known as “ The Flute” and outlines its symbolic and mystic dimensions. Then, it shows how these symbolic dimensions are manifested in two cases of contemporary Arab poetry. One of them is the work of the famous poet , 'Abd al- Wahhāb al-Bayātī, the other is the poem by Khalīl Hāwī, entitled “The Flute and the Wind”. The article explains different contextual and intertextual relations and interactions. The article concludes with support for exegetic reading of the text, which includes interpretations based on intertextuality and context.


Main Subjects

1ـ البياتي، عبد الوهاب، ديوان البياتي، الجزء الأول، دار العودة: بيروت، طـ 3- 1979م.
2ـ حاوي، خليل، الناي والريح، دار الطليعة، بيروت، 1961م.
3ـ خان، عنايت، يد الشعر، خمسة شعراء متصوفة من فارس، ترجمة قام بها كلمان باركس، ترجمهُ عن الانكليزية وقدّم له د. عيسى علي العاكوب، دار الفكر، دمشق 1998م.
4ـ النابلسي، عبد الغني، ديوان الحقائق ومجموع الرقائق، دار الجيل، بيروت، د. ت.