Document Type : Scientific- Research Article



    As any method of criticisn enjoys a specific discourse and critics follow their specific style of criticism, crystallized in the concepts and, ideas they use or the mastery they show, this study investigates the critical concepts and strategies Lūwīs 'Īwad uses in his work. We hope that we have been able to describe his characteristic critical style and his multidimensional approach. Researshers can find two kinds of ideas in his critical xpression, one dealing with artistic issues, the other with metalinguistic and metadiscoursal ones. This critic intends to delineate a method which can be classified under social and realistic studies. We have started with his first theoretical assertions, those which elaborate the frame work for a critical outlook, providing an arena for more literary criticisn in the context of society, so that literature is an expression of internal visions of the author and external realities of the social context.


Main Subjects

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